2023 Annual SABR Day

February 5, 2023

Our annual “SABR Day” for our the Rocky Mountain SABR members and followers was held on Sunday, February 5th.

This year, we were the privileged guests of the FAST Performance facility, an athletic training facility owned and operated by former big leaguer and Colorado Rockie Jason Hirsh in downtown Denver.

Jason provided us with a personal tour of his facility, and introduced us to the field of athletic performance training, including some of the advanced analytics used and provided to its members, specifically in the baseball world. We all got to observe and have access to see local position players and pitchers in workouts as they prepare for the upcoming season and see how analytics is incorporated into their daily evaluation and routine. In addition, Jason and his staff will taught us about the various analytics utilized in today’s game and available daily at FAST Performance.

A big thanks to Jason and his staff for hosting us!

If you wish to know more about FAST Performance, here is the web address.

Performance Training | FAST Performance | Denver, CO (fastcolorado.com)



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Dan Evans
2 years ago

Thanks to Jason and his FAST Performace staff for their hospitality and terrific display of how statistics and analytics are incorporated into today’s game. Jason and Conner taught our members various types of measures and explained them in a way that our group digested. As a result, many of our members are more comfortable with analytics. Looking forward to having more remote and virtual events in 2023!