Dave Mundo


A lifelong baseball fan, Dave became a SABR member in 1993 and has remained a member since, attending over 20 annual national SABR Conventions. Dave grew up in Chicago (go White Sox!) and moved to Erie, CO in 2014, at which point he adopted the Rockies as his NL squad and became a Rockies season ticket holder in 2015.

Dave’s first job out of college was with STATS, Inc. where he worked alongside such sabermetrics luminaries as Rob Neyer, John Dewan, and Don Zminda. He also has run a fantasy baseball league since 1989 (which must be one of the longest-running leagues ever!).

Dave graduated with a degree in Statistics from the University of Illinois and enjoys life with his wife and two kids, while juggling numerous hobbies & activities: playing softball, bowling, playing poker, making cocktails, and impressing friends & family with card magic